Our goals are simple: to aid children’s homes with year-round dairy products and to educate the community on the dairy industry.
Our Mission
Upon learning that many children in the area were receiving little, if any, milk or other dairy products, a group of eight women embarked on what they lovingly referred to as the “Milk Mission”. Through their passion, dedication, leadership and commitment to the dairy industry, the United Dairy Women organization was formed.
United Dairy Women was founded upon and maintains operating under the principals of promoting the importance of dairy and other agricultural related industries, educating individuals on the nutritional values and health benefits that exist in a diet rich in dairy products and providing community outreach and support to local charities, especially area children in need.
““Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” ”
What We've Achieved
The vision, the mission and the accomplishments of the United Dairy Women over the last 13 years is remarkable but even more impressive is the fact it is made possible by the support and involvement of community members who help the organization, the dairy men and women and their families that tirelessly work for the greater good and the businesses and individuals who graciously and generously provide to a cause that simply started out as a “Milk Mission’.
Provided all the dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, etc) for both New Mexico Christian Children’s Home and New Mexico Baptist Children’s Home all year for 13 years. Since as early as 1919, both these homes have provided full time homes for children who have no home, or for many reasons are unable to live with their families. Each of these homes is a non-profit organization and relies solely on support from individuals such as you for their support. .
Raised on $1.1 million
Our events: Milk Lover’s Ball, Dairy Fest, Ute the Man Triathlon and The Great Pumpkin Run
“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. ”